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講座回放 | 歐洲、台灣和香港的LGB權利:2020年以來的進展

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香港大學比較法與公法研究中心公開講座 - 歐洲、台灣和香港的LGB權利:2020年以來的進展

HKU CCPL Public Lecture- LGB Human Rights in Europe, Taiwan, and Hong Kong: Developments Since 2020


自1981 年德貞訴英國案判決以來,歐洲人權法院已為女同性戀、男同性戀和雙性戀(LGB)人士及同性伴侶發展出一系列判例,要求在刑法、就業、教育、住房、服務以及家庭法方面實現平等待遇。46個歐洲委員會成員國中,20個(43%)為同性伴侶提供了平等的婚姻權利,30個(65%)為同性伴侶關係制定了「法律框架」。這一趨勢於2019年登陸台灣,促使了亞洲首例合法的同性婚姻。




Since the 1981 judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in Dudgeon v. United Kingdom, the Court has developed a body of case law requiring equal treatment of lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) individuals and same-sex couples in the criminal law, in access to employment, education, housing and services, and in family law. 20 of 46 Council of Europe member states (43%) now provide equal access to marriage to same-sex couples, 65% (30 of 46 member states) now offer same-sex couples “a legal framework” for their relationships. This trend reached Taiwan in 2019 and same-sex couples began to marry for the first time in Asia.


What legal reforms are required to achieve equality for LGB individuals and same-sex couples in Hong Kong? Which could be granted by the Hong Kong legislature, and which are more likely to be granted by the Hong Kong courts, in light of Q.T. (same-sex partner immigration), Leung Chun Kwong (limited recognition of New Zealand marriage), Ng Hon Lam Edgar (limited recognition of UK marriage), and Sham Tsz Kit (no right to marry but the Hong Kong Government has a positive obligation “to establish an alternative framework for legal recognition of same-sex partnerships”)?



Robert WINTEMUTE 教授,倫敦國王學院人權法教授。Wintemute教授現於英國倫敦國王學院講授人權法和反歧視法。他曾在阿爾伯塔大學和拉瓦爾大學學習經濟學,在麥吉爾大學學習普通法和魁北克民法,後於牛津大學獲得博士學位,研究方向為性傾向與人權。Wintemute教授自1985年起在紐約Milbank律師事務所從事策略性公益訴訟,他是該事務所首位公開出櫃的男同志律師。自2000年以來,他參與了多宗歐洲人權法院審理的LGB平權案件,包括X & Others v. Austria, Oliari & Others v. Italy, Taddeucci & McCall v. Italy, Fedotova & Others v. Russia, Macate v. Lithuania等,以及歐盟法院審理的Coman & Hamilton v. Romania案、美洲人權法院審理的Atala v. Chile案,此外還參與了哥倫比亞憲法法院、阿根廷最高法院的相關案件,以及麻薩諸塞州最高法院Goodridge案、英國最高法院Walker案、美國最高法院Lawrence & Garner v. Texas案。他曾在日本、韓國、中國大陸、台灣、香港、菲律賓、越南、新加坡、印度尼西亞、印度和斯里蘭卡等多個國家或地區就LGB權利問題發表演講。



Kelley LOPER,香港大學法律學院副教授,香港大學法律學院法學碩士(人權法)項目主任






Robert WINTEMUTE, Professor of Human Rights Law, King's College London. Professor Wintemute teaches Human Rights Law and Anti-Discrimination Law at King’s College London, England. He studied Economics at the University of Alberta and Université Laval, and Common Law and Québec Civil Law at McGill University, before completing his doctorate on Sexual Orientation and Human Rights at the University of Oxford. Professor Wintemute was the first openly gay lawyer at the Milbank law firm in New York, where he was introduced to pro bono strategic litigation in 1985. Since 2000, he has participated in LGB equality cases in the European Court of Human Rights (such as X & Others v. Austria, Oliari & Others v. Italy, Taddeucci & McCall v. Italy, Fedotova & Others v. Russia, Macate v. Lithuania), the Court of Justice of the European Union (Coman & Hamilton v. Romania), the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (Atala v. Chile), the Constitutional Court of Colombia, and the Supreme Courts of Argentina, Massachusetts (Goodridge), the United Kingdom (Walker), and the United States (Lawrence & Garner v. Texas). He has spoken about LGB human rights in many countries or regions, including Japan, South Korea, Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, India, and Sri Lanka.



Kelley LOPER, Associate Professor and Director, LLM in Human Rights Programme, Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong



Centre for Comparative and Public Law at HKU

Equality Rights Project at HKU

HKU LL.M in Human Rights Programme

Date 時間:2023年11月14日

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